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How To Prune Jane Magnolia

As a general rule, Jane Magnolia trees do not require pruning unless you see dead, damaged, or diseased branches. However, if you want to prune for aesthetic purposes, do so in spring after the tree has already flowered.

How do you take care of a Jane magnolia tree?

Plant in moist, rich, well-drained soils in the full sun to partial shade in rich neutral to acidic well-drained but evenly moist soils. Regular mulching of the root zone will help keep the soil moist. 'Jane' is tolerant of heavy clay soils, air pollution, and also heat.

What time of year should you prune a magnolia tree?

The best time to prune magnolia trees is late spring and summer. They are equally appropriate times of the year to prune your Magnolia Tree, without attracting any disease-causing bugs. You will also want to prune magnolia trees after it has finished flowering or else you risk cutting off the gorgeous flowers.

How do you prune and shape a magnolia tree?

Trim new shoots to open up the tree. Shorten long vertical branches cut back to where it forks. May

How far back can you trim a magnolia tree?

Remember to always cut branches off just outside of a branch collar, never remove more than one-third of the tree each season, and avoid pruning a mature magnolia unless absolutely necessary.

How long does a Jane magnolia tree live?

Magnolia trees can live anywhere from 80 to 120 years.

What does a full grown jane magnolia look like?

'Jane' is primarily noted for its compact, upright habit, large reddish-purple flowers with white interiors and late bloom (mid-April to early May). It is a slow-growing, multi-stemmed, small, deciduous tree that typically rises over time to 20-25' tall with a spread to 15-20' wide.

Do Jane magnolias bloom twice a year?

This unparalleled magnolia blooms throughout the entire spring and summer season, with the first bloom in late April before leaf out, followed by a sporadic rebloom in the summer.

What fertilizer for Jane magnolia?

Once the magnolia 'Jane' is established, fertilize it in the spring every two to three years. To fertilize, you can spread compost around your bush in spring and water it in. Then, in early fall, use a fertilizer geared to acid-loving plants, such as Holly Tone.

What shape should a magnolia tree be?

The naturally occurring shape for a magnolia is generally conical, although not rigidly so. However, depending on the light it receives, the presence of other trees and other environmental factors, it can also grow in very irregular shapes.

Can magnolias be pruned in winter?

When to Prune a Magnolia Tree? The best time to prune a magnolia tree is in the early spring or late winter, after the final frost. This is when the tree is still dormant, which means that it will be easier to see the branches and remove any dead or diseased wood.

Should you deadhead a magnolia tree?

Although deadheading is not necessary for plant health, some flowering shrubs also benefit from deadheading. Lilac, azalea, rhododendron, magnolia, buddleia and mountain laurel are among the shrubs that will gain by deadheading flowers.

How do I make my magnolia bushy?

It is always good to water them regularly when they are young until they attain a full established growth. Trimming also would keep them in shape as the branches may stretch, cross, and rub each other. You should remove any crossed branches or diseased branches to keep them in their original shape.

How do you make a magnolia bushier?

Here. You need to work on the younger wood. If your pruning large older branches they take a long

Can magnolias be pruned to shape?

How to prune a magnolia. Younger plants can be trimmed to shape as required. If you want a more formal look with the trunk exposed, prune lower branches off to lift the canopy.

Can you control the height of a magnolia tree?

If you have a tiny garden, the star magnolia (Magnolia stellata) is the smallest magnolia in existence. At 10 years old, it's only 4 to 5 feet tall, and it only reaches 10 to 20 feet at maturity. You can also control this slow growth with regular pruning, maintaining a compact size to fit your garden.

How often should you trim magnolia trees?

Prune and shape after spring flowers and then only sparingly after 20 years because it heals slowly.

Can you keep magnolia trees small?

The good news is that magnolias don't grow very fast. It can take 20 years for them to reach 20 feet tall. Plus, keeping them in a planter with limited root space will also limit their top growth, especially with some judicious pruning.

Are Jane magnolia roots invasive?

The magnolia tree roots do not grow straight down, but instead, grow horizontally to help stabilize the tree. Under normal conditions, their rope-like roots are not known to be particularly invasive.

What's the difference between Jane magnolia and Ann magnolia?

'Ann' offers deep purple-pink blooms. Those of 'Jane' are reddish-purple outside and white inside. 'Susan' displays deeply colored blossoms of purplish-red.

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